What's Your Phobia? Contest!

Horrornews.net is partnering with Artsploitation Films in a contest to promote the upcoming new release, A Taste of Phobia.
What’s Your Phobia?
Grab you smart phone and record a short video (30 seconds will do) and tell us what your afraid of ! Your fears will be shared by both Horrornews.net and Artsploitation Films for the world to see. Are you afraid of that? Winners will be a FREE copy of A Taste of Phobia
Send your video fears to joyhorror@msn.com with the subject line, “What’s Your Phobia?” Winners will be picked at random on the June 26th release date of A Taste of Phobia.
You’ve seen the fear of spiders in the 1990 horror film, Acrachnophobia and you’ve seen Ophidiophobia, the fear of snakes from Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark.  I can guarantee that you’ve never seen anything like this before.
A Taste of Phobia
This unnerving horror anthology is crafted by 14 innovative directors who aren’t afraid to explore mankind’s most bizarre and frightening phobias. Can you imagine being so freaked out by body hair that you would do absolutely anything to remove it? You may have caetophobia. Did you ever look up at the stars and realize how small and insignificant that you really are and start to question your own existence? You might have Astrophobia. How about standing in the voting booth and making a decision on the next political election when an insurmountable amount of panic takes you over. You probably have Politicophobia. Each deranged segment magnifies a specific phobia and proves that people can be afraid of just about anything including dreaming, bacteria, cooking, darkness, blood, medication even young virgins.


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